Downtown Lubbock Revitalization
A thriving downtown is a sign of a healthy community. Having an economically healthy, culturally vibrant downtown offers benefits such as providing activities for younger people, providing opportunities for entrepreneurship, and retaining college graduates and other young professionals. The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, City of Lubbock and Lubbock Economic Development Alliance are working side-by-side with private businesses and organizations to make tremendous strides in revitalizing Downtown Lubbock.

Imagine Lubbock Together
Imagine Lubbock Together envisioned a revitalized, prosperous, and attractive downtown, restored as the heart of the community and as the commercial, business, and cultural hub of the region. Community leaders identified a performing arts center as the catalyst for downtown revitalization. In response to our community’s need, LEPAA introduced The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences as a catalytic project to cultivate an atmosphere of creativity that stimulates innovation and supports the growth of the creative industry.
Want to help revitalize downtown Lubbock? Check out these resources to find your starting point: